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Mission Statement

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Of Interest

Kayla Rolland Memorial Fund

Michael Moore's standpoint on the death.

Visit the Library!

Odd Michigan Laws?

WTO Statement
BBU/Member Works

Flint Limericks

ConnorSkriker Rhapsody

Al Gore

St. Joseph Hospital

Flint Area Theatre

Flint Area Links


Kayla Rolland
Kayla RollandBuell Elementary SchoolThe Black Box Underground would like to extend our deepest sympathies to the families of Kayla Rolland and to everyone else who may be affected by this tragedy. As you no doubt have heard, she was the unfortunate victim of a shooting death in a Beecher school on Monday. Another first grade boy brought a gun to school and shot her during class. She died a half hour later. This horror brings up many issues, especially during the current presidential race concerning gun control laws.

Thank you! This past Sunday March 5, we performed Antonin Artaud's The Cenci in response to the violence and feelings or questions we may all harbor. We raised approximately $170 and an estimated 50 people attended. This is excellent, especially for being on such short notice. Thank you very much for your support.
VIDEO! We appeared on the Sunday TV-12 11 o'clock news broadcast. You can read the transcript and download the video here.

View Michael Moore's letter on the subject. Or find out where to give to her memorial fund. Here are some links about the shooting. APBNews. APBNews. Flint Mlive
YES! Many thanks to those truly righteous voters who pleged a very affirmative YES in regards to the Library millage. May we enjoy it for years to come and hope they solve their financal problems.

Update! The Black Box Underground expressed its' views on the World Trade Organization conference and protests that recently happened in Seattle, WA. Please read it and send us an email . Our concern generated a response from the WTO summit. Their response appears on the page as well.

Want to know the truth about Al Gore? Find out here! Exclusive information straight from the streets of downtown Chicago!

We've started posting some individual work on our website. ConnorSkriker Rhapsody. Flint Limericks.

We've found a few interesting Michigan State Laws that may be of interest. Right now how about you take a look.

Interact with the BBU! Read some members' current postings on MLive's Flint Forum. Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of the whole BBU, but come pretty damn close.
We are an experimental theatre group from Flint, Michigan. We are a pro-Flint activist/performance group consisting of local and remote individuals with a common bond of theatre and the betterment of society.

Our maiden production was of Caryl Churchill's The Skriker. Many thanks to Bower Theater for their facilities. Our free staged readings went well. We performed Ray Bradbury's Kaleidoscope in our beautiful satellite theatre. We thank all who attended. 

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since Dec 28, 1999.
Site last updated March 1, 2000.

This is the official site of the Black Box Underground. See our past site.  A new look is in the works, so come back for more. Please bookmark this home page, as the contents can change. Our official website name is

Mission statement for the Black Box Underground
June 25, 1999

The Black Box Underground exists as:
- A community based within the geographical, social, and political boundaries of Flint, Michigan.
- An artistic community exploring the cultural, scientific and personal aspects of life through theatre and performance art.
- An urban community concerned with the welfare and economy of our cities and neighborhoods.
- A political community expressing a variety of views to the extent that the majority of members tolerate such expression, and questioning issues that define life today.
- A community of friends and family, enjoying companionship and seeking to improve the quality of our own and each-others' lives.


©1999 Black Box Underground