The Black Box Underground
Official Statement on the WTO Conference / Protests.
We, the members of Black Box Underground, an independent, artistic
community in Flint, Michigan, would like to express with regard to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) conference in Seattle this year, and protests
against the conference:
Condemnation of the World Trade Organization for their failure to balance health, labor, and environmental concerns with their principles of capitalist expansion; Disappointment in the violent actions of a small number of people, which have distracted attention from the object of protest; Anger at the conduct of those authorities which have provoked or punished protesters unfairly and unnecessarily; Pride in those who held the peace, and had the courage to speak their minds; Hope that the World Trade Organization will be reformed, giving more control of trade decisions to individual countries, and that these decisions may be held accountable by each nation's citizens. This statement is the official position of the Black Box Underground. The Black Box Underground consists of students, teachers, children, parents, artists, and citizens. We write out of concern for our communities and hope for their future. Thank you, The Black Box Underground |
Our concern generated a response, however canned it may be. It follows.
From: "Lhayani, Nathalie" <>
Subject: RE: Official Statement Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Sincerely, Nathalie Lhayani