The news broadcast opens with Joel Feick.
Joel Feick: Five days after the death of Kayla Rolland, communities
across our region are pulling together.
The shooting affected not only those directly involved, but thousands
more. Jenny DiPrizio reports.
Jenny DiPrizio: It's a play about murder and Violence called "Cenci". Just last week, actors from the Black Box Underground performed it in Chicago. After the death of Kayla Rolland, the group, who are mostly from the Flint area, decided to perform it here and donate the proceeds to the Kayla Rolland Memorial Fund.
Connor Coyne: As members of this community we had an obligation to ourselves to do something about it, this play was the tool we had available.
Here is the video, available for download.
It is in .avi format, and is about 6.4 MB, so you may have to wait for
it unless you are on a fast or school connection.
Here is a shot of a small ad we had on TV for the play.
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